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Farmers should protect their wheat crops from these diseases

Farmers should protect their wheat crops from these diseases

Due to seasonal changes, pests and diseases affecting the standing wheat crop can cause a lot of trouble. Farmers should deal with it by taking the right steps at an appropriate time otherwise the entire crop may go to waste.


Presently wheat crop is grown in the fields. Continuous changes are being seen in the weather. Sometimes it rains and sometimes cold wave continues to wreak havoc, hence due to changes in weather, pests and diseases affecting the standing wheat crop can cause a lot of problems. Farmer brothers should deal with it by taking the right steps on time otherwise the entire crop may go to waste. There is not just one type of disease in wheat but different types of diseases. Farmers are advised to maintain and monitor their crops regularly.


Mahu or Lahi

Mahu or Lahi insects are black, green, and brown with wings and wingless. Its infants and adults suck the juice from leaves, flowers, and earrings. Due to this, there is huge damage to the crop and the crop gets ruined. Let us tell you about the advice given by scientists to save the crop from the attack of this insect.


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Sow the crop on time.

Do not use insecticides if the number of ladybird wasps is sufficient.

Apply a yellow noose or sticky substance on a yellow tin sheet and make it stand in the field with the support of wood. Flying Lahi will stick to it.

Spray 50 grams of Thiomethoxam 25 percent WG per hectare or Quinalphos 25 percent EC in 2 ml per liter of water.

Harda disease

According to scientists, the possibility of attack and spread of this disease increases due to drop in atmospheric temperature after rain in this season. Brown and yellow spots are found on the leaves and stems of wheat plants. Preventive measures should be taken as soon as the environment becomes favorable for this disease.


Select disease-resistant varieties at the time of sowing.

Before sowing, seed treatment should be done with 2 grams of Carbendazim 50 percent soluble powder or 5 grams of organic fungicide per kilogram of seeds.


Also read: Mustard crop diseases and their prevention measures


As soon as a suitable environment for the fungus is created in the standing crop, spray 2 kg of Mancozeb 75 percent soluble powder, 500 ml of Propiconazole 25 percent EC per hectare, or 1 ml of Tebuconazole EC per liter of water.


Alternaria Blight

Due to Alternaria blight disease, spots are formed on the leaves, which later turn yellow and scorch the edges. To control this disease, spray 2 kg of Macozeb 75 percent soluble powder or 2 kg of Geneve 75 percent soluble powder per hectare.


Kidney disease

In Kalika disease, the black dust of fungus fills the ears in place of the grains. Even a healthy ear gets infected due to fungal spores falling in the air. This is a seed-borne disease. Farmer brothers should keep these things in mind to prevent this disease.


Also read: Farmers producing wheat must be aware of these diseases.


Sow disease-free seeds.

-Sow the seeds after treating them with Carbendizing 50 soluble powder at the rate of 2 grams per kilogram.

-Carefully cover the infested ear along with the grain with a plastic bag and destroy it after cutting.

-Do not use diseased farm produce as seeds.

The Bihar government has set up a 24-hour call center for the convenience of farmers. Here farmers can get solutions to their problems by contacting toll-free number 15545 or 18003456268.

 Yellow mosaic virus causes huge damage to papaya cultivation in Maharashtra

Yellow mosaic virus causes huge damage to papaya cultivation in Maharashtra

For your information, let you know that Nandurbar district is considered to be the largest papaya producing district in Maharashtra. Papaya orchards in more than 3000 hectares of area are vulnerable to this virus. Due to this, the hard work of the farmers and the cost of lakhs of rupees has been wasted. The farmers demanded compensation from the government.

After ruining soybean cultivation, the outbreak of yellow mosaic virus is currently being seen on papaya cultivation. Because of this, papaya farmers are in great distress. The virus has affected papaya orchards in more than 3,000 hectares in Nandurbar district alone, ruining the hard work of farmers and the cost of lakhs of rupees. The mosaic virus has been seen destroying the papaya crop after soybean in various districts of Maharashtra, including in Nandurbar district. A lot of papaya orchards in the district are on the verge of destruction due to mosaic virus.

The government had helped soybean farmers damaged by mosaic virus

Just as the state government had promised assistance for the losses suffered by soybean farmers due to mosaic virus. At present, similarly, papaya farmers are also expecting cooperation from the government. Maharashtra is a major fruit producing state. But the problems of its cultivators are not taking the name of lessening. This year, farmers have not received any special price for grapes. The price of oranges has fallen due to Bangladesh's policies affecting exports. Now papaya is being hit by nature.

Also read: Soybean crop destroyed due to Kewra disease outbreak among farmers

What problem has emerged in papaya cultivation?

Due to viral diseases on papaya, the leaves of its trees fall quickly. The leaves at the top shrivel, because of this the fruits are damaged by sunlight. Traders refuse to buy such fruits, papayas in more than 3000 hectares area in the district have been found to be highly affected by this mosaic virus. However, different types of measures are being taken by the farmers to control it. But, the crisis on papaya does not seem to be over. Therefore, the farmers are demanding that the district be declared drought and immediate help should be announced to all the farmers.

Also read: Farmers should do this work, otherwise papaya cultivation will be ruined

Need to establish research centre on papaya

Nandurbar district is considered to be the largest papaya producing district in Maharashtra. Each year the papaya crop is affected by various diseases. But, there is no papaya research centre in the State to conduct research on papaya. For this reason, it is imperative for the central and state governments to start a papaya research centre in Nandurbar and control the various diseases affecting papaya, so that the hard work of the farmers does not go to waste.

What are the symptoms of yellow mosaic disease?

Yellow mosaic disease is mainly found in soybeans. This causes yellow spots near the main veins of the leaves. These yellow spots appear in a scattered state. As the leaves grow, brown spots begin to appear on them. Sometimes heavy infestation causes the leaves to shrivel and wilt. Because of this, production gets affected.

Also read: ICAR explains soybean pest and disease control measures

Yellow mosaic disease prevention measure

The Agriculture Department has described the solution to uproot diseased trees and bury them in the ground or put blue and yellow nets to completely eliminate yellow mosaic disease. Due to this disease, productivity decreases by 30 to 90 percent. Due to this, the Agriculture Department has appealed to the farmers to take precautions in time.

 How to check crops for lack of nutrients.

How to check crops for lack of nutrients.

How to check crops for lack of nutrients. 

During farming many times the crop gets destroyed. Also the production capacity decreases and the crop gets infected with diseases. The major reason for these problems is the lack of important nutrients in the crop. Therefore in today's articles we will tell you about some necessary nutrients which decide the growth and development of the plant. Like a human body requires nutrients for its growth the plants also require nutrients for their development and growth. Due to nutrients the plants develop and these nutrients also help the organic matter grow. If these nutrients aren't provided in the timely manner it could stop the growth of the plant and ruin the crop. Important nutrients for crops include oxygen, potash, nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon, etc. The deficiency of the nutrients affects the produce.

Symptoms of lack of nutrients

1 Lack of Boron

Due to lack of Boron in the crop the plants turn yellow from the growing parts. Along with this buds turn white and look like dead tissues. 

Also read: the biggest problem with Parwal and how to protect it from different diseases.

2 lack of sulphur

Lack of sulphur causes a change in colour from deep green to White in the leaves. Later these leaves turn white. Lack of sulphur target new leaves first.

3 Lack of manganese

Manganese deficiency causes the leaves to turn their colour to brownish yellow and brownish red. The edges and tips of the leaves changes colour.

4 Lack of zinc

Lack of zinc in crops causes the veins of leaves to lose their green colour. Also the leaves look like bronze.

Also read: why we should not burn the leftovers after wheat crop? How to know if your soil is alive?

5 Lack of magnesium

It causes the tips of the leaf to turn dark green and the veins turn golden yellowish. After that red purple spots start to appear inwards from the edges.

6 Lack of phosphorus

Leaves of different plants remain small due to lack of phosphorus. Also the plant turns pinkish.

7 Lack of calcium

Due to lack of calcium the top most leaves start to fall and also buds start to dry.